To all RISE teachers, therapists and staffs. Thank you for all contributions and hard work done for my boy, Iman throughout his EIP journey in 2021.
It was such a wonderful experience for us as parent, seeing Iman bloom with so many progress. He is able to recognize letters, numbers, start to read, tell stories, play with friends, become less shy and many more great progress. RISE is indeed a very good & recommended institution for those seeking for EIP. When i brought Iman to follow up sessions with Specialist Developmental Paediatrics post EIP duration, the doctor was very impressed by the way RISE develop Iman via a very structured program. We felt so lucky to have found RISE.
Thank you Ms Ruby, Mr Eddie and to all RISE family.

I's Parent

U has been attending Intensive Intervention Class since Jan 2020 until Dec 2023 (4 years). Prior to joining, he was diagnosed with ASD and has difficulties focusing, motor skills issues as well as behaviour issues. The facilities and teaching aid in RISE are impressive and carefully considered in addressing the child with special needs. RISE also encourage the kids to be independent, be kind to each other, explore and learn. Just after a year in RISE, U has shown positive changes in his development. During pandemic season, RISE has taken strict precaution to ensure the safety and health of the kids at the outmost priority. After 4 years in RISE, now at 11 years old, U has shown so much progress and he is now ready to enter the mainstream school. He has grown so much to be empathetic, confident, kind person. I could not have done this on my own, without all the help from the teachers and therapist in RISE, specially Miss Ruby and Miss Dania. I am very thankful to all the teachers in RISE that are very dedicated and always celebrate small success with us parents. I highly recommend other parents with special needs child to consider RISE as they’re very professional and highly skilled and most importantly very passionate about child education and development.

U's Parent

A was diagnosed with a speech delay, and during the pandemic, the online module proved ineffective for him. Frustrated by the lack of progress, we embarked on a quest for alternative solutions.
That’s when we found hope in Rise, a program that not only addressed A’s speech impediment but also identified underlying motor skill issues. Committing to three hours of daily sessions, the investment proved invaluable as we witnessed remarkable transformations. A not only found his voice but also honed his motor skills, boosting his confidence and social skills.
Today, A in a mainstream school, a testament to the effectiveness of the learning module. Thanks to all the teachers who were full of patience and perseverance in A’s journey, overcoming challenges and realizing his potential.

A's parent

I have been sending my son U since January 2020 to the centre and he has shown great progress ever since. He has difficulties in focusing and hand grip(writing) as well as behaviour issues earlier. However after sending him to the centre, he started to show interest in drawing and writing, and it just wonderful to see his progress. All the teachers are really committed in what they’re doing as the learning didn’t just happened at school, but the feedback from the teachers on weekly basis. They work together with the parents with the guidance on how to assist the child at home after school. To all the teachers in RISE specially Miss Ruby, Miss Hani, Miss Danisha, Miss Wan(OT), Miss Sara(Speech) that has helped U , i really cant thank you enough. Thank you so much for your time, effort, patience and passion in helping all the special needs child as well as us a parents.

U's parent

At 3+, J was completely non verbal when we registered him at RISE. He was terrified of loud sounds like car engine and vacuum cleaners and would not socialize with other children, preferring to play on his own at a corner instead. He was also not chewing his food and would only swallow liquid foods like porridge.
After one year at RISE, the changes in his development has been remarkable. J can now mouth alphabets and numbers, and is far more ‘talkative than before. We were also very happy to see him approaching other children at the playground, laughing and clapping along happily. His fine motor skills had also improved tremendously and he can eat his favourite duck rice on his own now!
We are very thankful to Ruby and the teachers at RISE as they are clearly dedicated and we celebrate every small development together.

J's Parent

My son was diagnosed with mild autism and speech issue. Teachers in RISE has been helpful and patient in tackling his developmental issues until he is able to graduate soon and will enter mainstream school. Facilities and teaching aid available in RISE are impressive and carefully considered in addressing developmental issues for children. Rise also encourage our kids to be independent, flexible and foster his curiosity to explore & learn. During pandemic season, i have observed that RISE take strict precaution to ensure our kids are protected from pandemic. Hence, I as a parent am happy and satisfied with services provided by RISE and highly recommend other parents to consider RISE as your partner in addressing child development issues.


My son N has been seeing Ms Ruby for almost 2 years and he has flourished in terms of Mathematics and English since then. He is particularly interested in Mathematics and can now do multiplication and division.He likes to express himself through drawing and will show his drawing if he wants to get his message across. Although he still has a lot to work in terms of behaviours, I am pleased with the results under the tutelage of Ms. Ruby.

N's parent

Our son, A was having challenges at school and at home in certain areas. Coping with emotions, sensory seeking behaviours and lack of attention were among the primary concerns. Ms. Ruby, our shadow aide has provided my husband and me with the strategies to help my child A succeed at home and school. Ms. Ruby was absolutely great with our son, A and we know so much about him and what he needs now. We feel very fortunate to have found someone like Ms. Ruby who has worked hard at improving A’s well being. Thank you Ms. Ruby.

A's parent

Rise Intervention has been supporting my kid with mild autism for close to 5 years. We have seen considerable improvement on my kid with rise managed to mitigate some vital issue concerning my child. Though my child has graduate from Rise, he is still taking occasional session with Rise (OT & ST) to ensure he is on the right track to independence in the future.
We thank Rise for being a good support system to my child.


A good learning environment for children’s. Teachers and Therapists are professional, experienced and caring towards each children needs. I can’t thank you enough to RISE’s teachers and therapists for being patience and attentive towards my son. I’m happy that he is making a great progress.


RJ can took of his shoes and put in the rack (like how you have trained him) and his bag on his seat. So proud of him and so thankful you gave his such good foundation. Thank you RISE.


We would like to thank all the teachers, for the love, patience, guidance and efforts given to our son. LA have really improved so much after joining Rise Intervention. We are so blessed, grateful and appreciative for everything you’ve done. Thanks so much again!

la's parent

After LA joined Rise, he improved his motor
skill and speak well, and more confidence!

LA's Parent

Hi teacher ruby. Im.can write his own name already.. this is such a big milestone! i cried out of joy! Thank you Teacher Ruby & Rise teachers.

im's parent

We can see so much change of B. from a moments until today. B. very lucky to find Rise center . This is the best center to leaning .